We are excited to share a 21-day prayer devotional guide with you! This guide follows a recent sermon we shared on Acts 2:42-47, where we saw a vivid picture of the early church devoted to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. We believe that through this season of prayer, God will work powerfully in your life, in our church, and in our broader community.

Click Here to access our Prayer Devotional Guide

Let Us Pray

For You

There is power in prayer. If you have a need or a prayer request, we would love to know about it so that we can pray for you. You may also select if you want your request to only be sent to our Elder Board.

Submit a Prayer Request

Prayer Groups

Cord of 3 Strands

A Cord of 3 Strands is three (or more) believers mutually agreeing to pray for one another to experience further spiritual growth and to grow continually stronger in fellowship with Jesus Christ.

Cord of 3 Strands prayer groups will receive a free prayer book guide, “Praying the Prayers of Paul” by David Bordon and Rick Killian.

Reach out to Rick & Kristabel Damuth to register for your copy of the book, to join a group, or receive encouragement for your current group.

Sunday Service Prayer Team

At the conclusion of each service on Sundays, an invitation is given to those in the service to pray with the prayer team and with others. It is a precious time of praying together.

Reach out to Rick & Kristabel Damuth if you are interested in serving on the prayer team. Prayer team members are typically scheduled to serve on Sunday for one service each month.