Giving at Coppell Bible

We believe that giving is a joyful and intentional act of worship. It's more than a financial transaction—it’s a way for us to be obedient to the Lord and participate in the transformative work that God is doing both within our church and beyond its walls.

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Online Giving

Online giving is a modern, secure, and convenient way to contribute to the mission and ministry of the church. This allows you to make contributions at any time—providing flexibility that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. Whether you're tithing, making a one-time donation, or supporting a specific cause, our online platform makes it easy.

Prayerfully consider setting up recurring donations to automate your giving and make tithing a priority in your walk with God.

Give Online

In-Person Giving

If you desire to give in person on Sunday mornings, our secure giving boxes located in the back of the sanctuary, provide a simple and discreet way to give during services. Whether you're attending a Sunday worship service or participating in a midweek event, you can place your cash or check contribution securely in a giving box.



"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7



Giving Statements

You can review your Giving Statements through our online giving portal.

Access My Giving Statement

If you have any questions, please Contact Us Here